TLMS Data Capture

Inbound customer phone calls - 800# service:
Excelsior Integrated's Total Lead Management Service (TLMS) has a 24/7/365 live operator service that can handle all aspects of a client's inbound capture requirements for brochures, products, registration or information. All operator scripting is customized and is made available online for easy access by our TLMS client.

Internet Capture is a service that will accept web requests for literature, back issues; premium item orders or any other program needs. Not just an electronic form, this interactive application is written to fully edit completeness of address information, to capture any survey responses you may wish to ask. Names or orders received via the Internet are fully integrated within our other systems, providing a seamless and most expedient method of fulfilling requests, which with TLMS may be fulfilled within 24 hours of request! Requestors may go directly to the capture site or hotlink from your existing homepage. If required, TLMS has the ability to incorporate a secure cashiering using VERISIGN security services.

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